Nail Identification

Indications of imbalances in the body present in fingernails

  • nail changes may signify a number of disorders elsewhere in the body. These changes may indicate imbalances even before the rest of the body does.
  • Black bands from the cuticle outward to the end of the nail can indicate early signs of melanoma.
  • Black, splinter-like bits under the nail can indicate possible heart or a blood deficiency.
  • Brittle nails can indicate thyroid problems, impaired kidney function, circulatory problems or iron deficiency.
  • Brittle, soft, shiny nails without a moon can indicate a possible overactive thyroid.
  • Dark and/or thin nails which are flat and spoon-shaped can indicate vitamin B-12, iron deficiency or anemia.
  • Deep blue nail beds can be an indication of pulmonary obstruction such as asthma or emphysema.
  • Downward curved nail ends can indicate possible heart, liver or respiratory problems.
  • Dry, brittle nails can indicate possible vitamin A and calcium deficiency.
  • Flat nails can indicate possible Reynaud’s Disease.
  • Hangnails can indicate lack of protein, folic acid and vitamin C.
  • Lengthwise grooves or ridges can indicate possible kidney deficiency. These grooves may also be associated with aging and/or iron deficiency.
  • Nail beading (development of bumps on the surface of the nail) can be an indication of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Nails the chip, peel, crack or break can indicate nutritional deficiency and possibly insufficient hydrochloric acid, minerals and protein.
  • Nails that separate from nail bed can indicate thyroid disease and/or possible fungal infection due to lack of friendly bacteria in the body.
  • Pitted red-brown spots and frayed and split ends can indicate a need for vitamin C, Folic acid and protein.
  • Raised nails at the base with small white ends can indicate possible respiratory disorder. This nail condition is hereditary.
  • Red skin at the bottom of the nail can indicate possible connective tissue disorder.
  • Ridges can indicate possible infection.
  • Ridges running up and down the nail can indicate a tendency to develop arthritis.
  • Ridges, horizontal and vertical with fragility can indicate possible vitamin B deficiency
  • Ridges, horizontal can be an indication of severe stress, either psychological or physical.
  • Ridges, vertical can indicate poor general health. Poor nutrient absorption and/or iron deficiency.
  • Thick nails can indicate the vascular system may be weakening and blood may not be circulating properly.
  • Two white horizontal bands that do not move as the nail grows can indicate a protein deficiency in the blood.
  • Unusually wide, square nails can indicate a possible hormonal disorder.
  • White spots on the nail can indicate a zinc deficiency.
  • Yellow nails can be an indication of internal disorders, in advance of the appearance of symptoms such as a lymphatic system, respiratory, or liver deficiency.