Thyroid Fatigue Quick Check


( ) insomnia

( ) nervousness

( ) can’t  gain weight

( ) intolerance to heat

( ) highly emotional

( ) flush easily

( ) night sweats

( ) thin, moist skin

( ) inward trembling

( ) heart palpitations

( ) increased appetite without weight gain

( ) pulse fast at rest

( ) eyelids and face twitch

( ) irritable and restless

( ) can’t work under pressure



( ) increase in weight

( ) decrease in appetite

( ) fatigue easily

( ) ringing in the ears

( ) sleeping dming the day

( ) sensitive to the cold

( ) dry or scaly skin

( ) constipation

( ) mental sluggishness

( ) hair coarse, falls out

( ) headaches upon arising wear off during the day

( ) slow pulse, below 65

( ) frequency of urination

( ) impaired hearing

( ) reduced initiative


Thyroid Function  has a profound impact on overall health via its modulation of; carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism, vitamin utilization, mitochondrial function, digestive process, muscle and nerve activity, blood flow, oxygen utilization, hormone secretion, sexual and reproductive health, and many other physiological parameters.

Thyroid Hormones (T3 andT4) are the major biochemical molecules known to incorporate iodine. Iodine deficiency is the leading cause of hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone is produced by the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is released by the pituitary gland. Other minerals needed to regulate the conversion of T4 to T3 are selenium and zinc.

Environmental negative influences affecting the thyroid can be and are not limited to; environmental hazards; heavy metal toxicity especially lead and mercury. Electromagnetic radiation, such as computers and electrical devises. Chemicals and xenobiotics such as PCB’s, hormones in food consumption, plastics, cosmetics, phenolic compounds, and cleaning products. (These disturb thyroid function by increasing the production of anti thyroid antibodies, inhibiting TH activity, inhibiting iodine metabolism).

Foods that block thyroid function; soy products (non fermented), corn, raw brassica plants (they produce natural goitrogens), meats and animal products with hormones used in its production. Caffeine and other stimulants interfere. Smoking depresses TH levels.

Other factors affecting function. Lack of exposure to full spectrum light slows thyroid function down. We recommend being out of bed by 7am and spending 30 minutes per day outside. Physical activity stimulates thyroid function.

Stress: The silent factor. Excess cortical has an adverse effect on thyroid function. Elevated cortical leads to decreased active T3, decreased peripheral hormone metabolism by inhibition of enzyme 5-denominate, and increase risk of autoimmune disease.

*The most common cause of acquired thyroid disorders are due to, iodine deficiency an auto immune thyroid disease. Secondary causes hypothyroidism.